Wantok Stori is a collaboration and exchange project between Victoria and the Solomon Islands. It aims to explore and celebrate the diversity of Pacific culture and support emerging artists and young people. Amie Batalibasi was co-producer of the project along with visual artist Lisa Hilli (AUS) and producers Samantha Cooper (AUS) and Adriel Tahisi (SI).

Amie co-facilitated film and storytelling workshops in Honiara with 8 participants from the Solomon Islands. During that time Amie led filmmaking lessons and practical activities and assisted participants to work in a groups to develop a script for a film about the Festival of Pacific Arts theme – Culture in Harmony with Nature. The short film was shot over 4 days on location in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The film, “Wea Nao Mi?” premiered at the 11th Annual Festival of Pacific Arts in July 2012 in Honiara.

Watch the “Wea Nao Mi?” short film here.
Follow this project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wantokstori/
This project is supported by Solomon Islands Ministry of Culture, One News Television, Solomon Islands Victorian Association, Multicultural Arts Victoria and Youthworx. We hope this is the first of many arts and community collaborations between Solomon Islands and Victoria Pacific Island communities.
This project has been financially assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body, Ministry of Youth (Solomon Islands) Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI), Katherine Gilbert and community based fundraising.